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bigint.js is a general library for infinite-precision integer arithmetic on JavaScript.
For instance,
JavaScript's own Math.pow(2,100)
returns this lossy value:
while Bigint.pow(2,100)
returns losslessly
126 7650600 2282294 0149670 3205376 (31-digit).
bigint.js is fast enough for many purposes (e.g. 2^10000 < 1 sec). The current status of bigint.js is v0.5 beta. No functions are documented yet.
PigPGP is a JavaScript application implimented with bigint.js. It is a "tiny PGP", or a cryptosystem based on 128-, 256- and 360-bit RSA, usable on Mozilla 1.6 (slow), MSIE 6, and Netspcae 4.80. The current status of PigPGP is v0.2 alpha.
The source code is free but no warranty is provided. You can use anything, with or without modification, wihout asking. You don't even have to show the original author's name or anything to use it.
The newest version should be found at
The author can be reached at seelie317 (at) As is already said, you don't have to ask the author to do anything with these, and no support will be provided even if you ask.