Afghanistan TOP > mail #1
Related Pages: Photo Garelly

Mails from KUBOTA Hironobu #1

2001.02.17 - 2001.02.20


Subject: Re: Oshima Kenzo san
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2001 13:46:46 -0000
From: "Kubota Hironobu" <>

The situation is the worst now. According to an Afghan here, it would have been possible for me as a photographer to enter Afghanistan with the regular formalities two weeks ago. But it is now difficult for me to go into Afghanistan with my camera. Anyway I will do my best. They say they will try to complete the regular formalities so that I will be able to visit Afghanistan next time even if I can't right now. On Monday, I am going to visit a new camp. I heard that children die and die everyday there because of bitter coldness. The school in NASIR BAGH, which I visited last year, has been reformed: it was a makeshift tent last year, but now it is a proper building.

13kb The makeshift tent school in Nasir Bagh, in 2000. Kubota-san said it has been reformed and the new school building is good enough.
See larger image(80kb). Another shot in the makeshift school in 2000.(43kb) Photos by © Kubota Hironobu.

Nasir Bagh is the second oldest camp for Afghan refugees, and it is quite stable as a "new town". In the new camps, however, the situation seems to be still unstable and hard for the time being.


Subject: Thanks for your mail
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 10:34:53 -0000
From: "KUBOTA Hironobu" <>

>I am happy to tell you that your Web Page is listed as No.1 when you try Danish search engine Kvasir
>with the key "pictures of children in afghanistan". I found that on 17 Feb 2001.

I'm so glad to here that! It's really my pleasure that more and more people will know what's going on in Afghanistan.
Thank you, mion-san, for web-publishing my photos so that people all over the world can see them.
I also have Afghans here view them, and they say they like these Web pages very much.

>The US forced to close the Tabliban Office in NY,
>and Taliban orderd to close UNSMA office in Kabul in retaliation for that.
>Is that the reason why the situation for foreigners worsen?

I'm not so sure, but I suppose that's right. Anyway Afghanistan is now seemingly badly shaken.
I heard that UNISEF would give financial aid for Afghan children. And Pakistan says they will accept new-coming refugees from Afghanistan.

>Did you take good photos?
>Some of your new photos might show the fact that nobody knows here is Japan...

So far, so good. I am taking new pictures here, and here I took photos last year too. So I can show you how the situation changed and is changing.


>How about Oshima Kenzo (the Photo from BBC) ?
>He seems to be committed. I saw him appealing keenly the hardship experienced in Afghan camps.
>What do Pakistanis say about him?

I am sorry but he is not well-known. I think that even Afghans are doubtful what he can do for them.

They won't thank him until there is a good result of his work.



Subject: Re: Thanks for your mail
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 16:22:17 -0000
From: "Kubota Hironobu" <>

>Pakistan, with little international aid,
>has been accepting as much as two million Afghan refugees for two decades,
>which must burden the country's economy that is never too wealthy.
>This can be a cause of domestic dissatisfaction.
>Maybe the UN asked and asked Pakistan to accept new refugees,
>when Pakistan is not so willing to.

This is not so simple. For one thing, the fact that Pakistan accepts so many Afghan refugees has a diplomatic aspect too. In international community, Pakistan can say: "We accepted them at your request; now we would like to make a request to you..."
Now I stay an Afghan home. The situation seems to be so severe. Some countries are trying to help Afghanistan, but that is like poweerless bucket brigade in front of a tall building on fire. The refugees are increasing in number this year too.


Subject: Re: Osama Expelled?
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 15:01:09 -0000
From: "Kubota Hironobu" <>

>From: mion
>Subject: Osama Expelled?
>Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 05:48:09 +0900
>2001.02.20 This info is not sure,
>but some sources say Mullah Omar agreed that
>he will expel Osama bin Laden to Saudi Arabia or another third country.
>If it is true, this will be a big change for Taliban government.
>But I am not sure. Maybe another false rumor.
>If Taliban expel Laden, will UNSC sanctions be canceled?

Well, I too read that news in the paper here in Pakistan. In Pakistani newspapers, you can read articles on Afghanistan almost everyday. Afganistan is really a big issue for Pakistan. Today I visited a new refugee camp. They founded it just four months ago.
The situation is unbelievable.
They said 7,500 families live there, and the total population is unknown. Ten to twenty children die everyday. I visited there as the first foreign journalist. They didn't let me get out of the car, because the area is not safe.


The photographer, Kubota, wants to get your coments. E-mai him at ><

Photos by ©Kubota Hironobu.
Edited by mion <>

Afghanistan TOP > mail #1
Related Pages: Photo Garelly